Adapting to New Keyword Match Types: A Guide for 2024

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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for advertisers looking to maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns. One area that demands constant attention is keyword match types in Google Ads. As we enter 2024, Google has introduced new changes to keyword match types, requiring advertisers to adapt their strategies for optimal results. This comprehensive guide will explore these changes and provide actionable insights on how advertisers can navigate and leverage the new keyword match types.

Understanding the Evolution of Keyword Match Types

Google Ads has traditionally offered four keyword match types: Broad Match, Broad Match Modifier, Phrase Match, and Exact Match. However, to enhance search results’ precision and relevance, Google has updated the match type system.

  • Introduction of Close Variant Match: Google has expanded the concept of close variant matching, allowing ads to show for searches with similar meanings, intent, and variations of keywords. This emphasizes the importance of crafting comprehensive keyword lists to capture a broader range of relevant queries.
  • Phrase Match Redefined: The phrase match type has undergone adjustments to provide more flexibility. Now, it allows for word order variations while maintaining the key phrase’s meaning. Advertisers must review and update their existing phrase match keywords to align with the revised criteria.

Adapting Your Keyword Strategy

  • Regular Keyword Audits: Conduct regular keyword audits to identify potential gaps or opportunities. Analyze search terms reports to understand how users find and interact with your ads. This will help in refining your keyword strategy based on actual user behavior.
  • Utilize Negative Keywords Effectively: With the expanded close variant matching, negative keywords become even more critical. Regularly reviewing and updating your negative keyword list filters out irrelevant traffic and ensures your ads are shown to a more qualified audience.
  • Optimize Landing Pages for Relevance: Enhance the relevance of your ads to user queries by optimizing landing pages. Align your ad copy with the content on your landing pages, ensuring a seamless and cohesive user experience. Google rewards relevance with higher Quality Scores.
  • Experiment with Broad Match Modifier: Leverage the power of the Broad Match Modifier to capture a wider audience while maintaining control over relevancy. Use “+” symbols strategically within your keywords to indicate terms that must be present in the user’s search query.
  • Dynamic Keyword Insertion: Explore dynamic keyword insertion to customize ad content based on the user’s search query. This technique can help improve ad relevance and click-through rates by dynamically inserting the searched keyword into your ad copy.
  • Stay Informed and Adapt: Google Ads is a dynamic platform; staying informed about updates and industry trends is crucial. Regularly check for announcements from Google, and be prepared to adapt your strategy accordingly.


Advertisers must embrace change and proactively optimize their strategies as we navigate the nuances of keyword match types in Google Ads in 2024. The evolving landscape offers opportunities for those willing to adapt, providing a chance to reach a more targeted audience and achieve better campaign performance. By staying informed, conducting regular audits, and experimenting with new features, advertisers can ensure their campaigns remain relevant and effective in the ever-changing world of digital advertising.

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